Friends of the Road Newsletter 2023-07-03

July 4, 2023 Dale Christie

Hello Friends of the Road,

Is everyone enjoying the first few days of Summer? There’s been days where the smoke was so thick, we could imagine ourselves on a battlefield, just without the booms of the canon and pops of the muskets. The corn is not knee high, but it will probably be fine. It usually is. I hope everyone’s gardens are doing well and you’re getting the first tastes of some local vegetables. It sure beats what we buy in the grocery stores. Some of the strawberries I’ve seen are nearly the size of plums and blueberries the size of strawberries! But they don’t seem to have much flavor compared to locals. 

If the weather gets too warm for you and you want a good old book, even if it is a virtual one, I have a recommendation. It is a small book written by Mary E. Baker and reprinted from The Magazine of History. It a very well written early historical assessment of the Crown Point Road. I’d like to believe everyone who receives this newsletter will learn something from this book. You can “flip” the pages by clicking on the following link:

Coming up quick is our annual visit to Hubbardton. It brings up many good memories of visiting there and also some bad weather. I hope the weather will be good for those camping there and the visitors that attend either day. If you’re in the area, we’d be happy to chat with you. We’ll be under the cover of tents between the British and American sides, hopefully keeping the peace. Here is the official scoop: As part of the annual weekend of events to celebrate the historic battle in Hubbardton, and as one of the event’s regular attendees, the CPRA will have a booth on Saturday to meet visitors. Come attend the event and support your organization at the re-enactment. Admission for the weekend’s events will be charged on a per person, per day fee. For more info, call the Museum & Visitor Center at (802) 273-2282.

Fire up the grills and enjoy the Independence Day celebrations. Hopefully between showers that is. I hope to see some of you on the battlefield this weekend.