Friends of the Road Newsletter 2022-09-22

September 23, 2022 Dale Christie

Hello Friends of the Road,
I do believe today closes out the Summer of 2022. The daylight is rapidly getting shorter, but there’s still plenty of weather to get out and enjoy yourself. I’ve been seeing tons of events on local calendars, so spin the wheel and pick something fun. This weekend I’ll be at a local festival talking history and spreading the word about the CPRA. 

Back in August I wrote about William French, who arguably was the first martyr of the American Revolution. Since then I came across a bit more info to share. Attached is a photo showing the grave in stereographic form. Also, here is a link about him and where to find his grave:

CPRA board member Barbara Drufovka has been hard at work doing research for the upcoming event in Plymouth. Barry Griffith and I are planning on leading the way, rain or shine. We prefer shine of course. We hope to see some of you there. Below is the the write-up and attached is a flyer prepared by Barbara. Thanks for all your help Barbara! October 1: Our last outing of the year will be a 2-mile hike along the route of the CPR in Plymouth. We will visit CPRA Marker 34 and pay our respects to Vermont’s Unknown Soldier, who died here traveling home during the American Revolution. Then continue hiking eastward, inspecting the foundations of early settlers’ homes along the way. Meet at the Tyson Congregational Church off Route 100 (39 Dublin Road) at 10AM. Bring a lunch, wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather. For more info contact Barry Griffith (802) 492-3573

As we are all part of the avalanche of time travel, soon there will be our Annual meeting. I’ll send out more info later, but just keep that event in mind. Our guest speaker will be flooding your minds with Crown Point Road history. He will be going deep into details surrounding the 1759 road. If you need a refresher, or even if you think you know it all, I expect you’ll find his presentation enthusiastic and interesting. More info next time. 

I hope you’re all doing well. I have two boxes of perennial bulbs ready to plant, a pile of recently delivered topsoil and now I just need time to get my hands dirty. The rain has been good for a lot of things and the “leaf experts” say it could help with our foliage this year. We’ll see. Either way, I’ll be out “peeping”. Until we meet again…