Posted by Dale Christie on April 30, 2024

Friends of the Road Newsletter 2024-04-29

Hello Friends of the Road,

We have an early outing this year, and it has snuck up on me. It is a good thing I didn’t plan anything for Sunday, because I was hoping to attend this when the schedule was finalized. It will give me a chance to visit markers I have never been to! I have not been in that area since our Annual Meeting at the Fort @ no. 4 last fall. For those that are interested, here’s a video of our featured presentation during that meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPa5-FWUDog

I feel a bit distracted right now as I’m watching the Celtics game. I’m being torn in three directions. One is the past (CPR discussion), the present (Celtics), and the future (Sunday’s outing). I wonder if I’ll be haunted in my dreams tonight by three ghosts. I hope you’re all doing well and the sounds and smells of Spring have brightened your spirits. The smell of cut grass has returned to my neighborhood. 

Back in February, I shared an excerpt of a diary by David Holden. As you know, diaries and journals are a great way to experience the past. I wasn’t holding out on you when I shared that part, as I didn’t have the complete journal. Shortly after that, Mike Barbieri, one of our prized, unofficial historians, shared with me the complete journal. You can read it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPa5-FWUDog

Sunday’s event will kick off at 1pm, rain or shine. Parts of it will be outside, so hopefully it won’t be rain! Here is the complete write-up: May 5: Sunday at 1 PM we will meet at Charlestown Historical Society’s “Bakery Building’” 216 South Main Street, Charlestown NH — a stone’s throw from the location of the original Fort at No. 4, where the Crown Point Road began. We will start with a car tour of markers and historic sites along its route through Charlestown, narrated by knowledgeable CHS members. Those interested can then hike a trail to NH Marker 7, to observe where Wentworth’s Ferry crossed the Connecticut River to the blockhouse built by Goffe’s troops to guard it in 1760. For more info, contact Barry at (802) 492-3573 or bgriffithvt@gmail.com

In case you are watching the game now, I’ll let you get back to that now. Take care, and hopefully see you soon.

Posted by Dale Christie on March 23, 2024

Friends of the Road Newsletter 2024-03-23

Hello Friends of the Road,

Hopefully none of you are traveling here in the Northeast today. It is late in the season, but I’m excited to see the snow fall. I’m glad it is a day off so I can enjoy it and clean it up at my convenience. The kids are deprived of a snow day, but they also have been deprived of playing in the snow much this season, so they should be happy anyway. And for those kids who don’t like to play in the snow, they have their game consoles and history books!

I have received the beloved magnet calendars for 2024. As soon as we finalize the rest of the content for the mailing, the elves will begin their work. The year’s schedule has good diversity in it and everyone should find something of interest I hope. If any of you do not receive the annual mailing and want to be included, provide me with your mailing address. We only mail to those who have paid for a membership recently, so if you have not, we do ask that you have intensions to contribute to our organization this year. Memberships start at only $5 per year. I can’t remember who it was, but one member said we should raise our dues as they aren’t even enough to buy a good beer. 

I’d like to enlist you all for a mission. It won’t involve any bloodshed, I hope. The President of the Clarendon Historical Society, Bob Underhill, is looking for information about a possible settlement in the vicinity of Clarendon, in 1760 or 1761. Attached is a great historical document about Daniel Walker (1706 – ), who stayed over the winter in 1760 or 1761 on his way back from Canada.  It sounds like the company was following the Crown Point Road and that he couldn’t complete the journey until the spring.  He did come back to what is now Clarendon in 1768 just like the story says, and his son Daniel Jr. (1736 – 1795) was one of our Tories who fled to Canada and had his property confiscated. The article was written by a Dr. H.C. Burleigh for the Lennox & Addington Historical Society (Ontario) which regretfully closed last autumn. Their archives would have been passed on to other organizations but it might take a bit to find where this article went. Bob is totally unaware of any settlement prior to 1768, and he knows Clarendon history really well! So your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to offer information or theories about where Daniel Walker may have stayed that winter on his return from Canada. 

I have info about an historical gathering you might be interested in. The CPRA is not involved with this, but am certainly interested in it as there’s a possible connection to the CPR in Pittsford. Phil Mandalere, who is deeply involved with the Clarendon Historical Society and a few of you may remember the CPRA outing he led recently at the former Dean Farm in Brandon, will be presenting information about the Stevens cellar hole and the White’s Crossing area. It will be a presentation as part of a meeting of the Pittsford Historical Society. The meeting will be downstairs at the Pittsford Congregational Church on April 7th. Potluck meal at 5:30 followed by a brief PHS meeting, then Phil’s presentation. I hope to see a few of you there. 

That is all I have for you at the moment. Writing this newsletter has given me a break from shoveling and with daylight running low, I better get back to my work. 

Posted by Dale Christie on February 18, 2024

Friends of the Road Newsletter 2024-02-18

Hello Friends of the Road,

For those who don’t know me, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dale Christie and I’ve been recently elected to another term as the Secretary of the Crown Point Road Association. I have enjoyed getting to know many of you and the pursuit of uncovering history has been quite the journey. I have been spending much of the Winter researching the local history of Proctor and other areas of Vermont, but now it is time to shift gears and focus on Vermont’s unofficial road, the Crown Point Road. 

I hope you all are doing well and the colder months of this part of the world haven’t broken you. I know seasonal depression is a real thing. Personally, I don’t mind Winter as long as there’s snow and it isn’t too cold. I’ve had half of my desires come true. A benefit of the lack of cold and deep snow is the ability to get out and explore the woods. The folks preparing for the upcoming sugaring season have had it easier too. Those looking for evidence of the past have also had it easier. The ground hasn’t been frozen as much as usual and I find that you can see the geography so much better in these conditions. Not only do you have the lack of leaves blocking your view, a dusting of snow really helps you see old roads and terrain. There is still plenty of time left for you to get some fresh air and take a slow walk through the woods and let your imagination fill your mind. 

The CPRA board has had 3 meetings already this “off-season” and final details are being put together for another fun year of historical gatherings. The economy and other factors have led us to pass over any plans for a bus trip this year, but we are going to lead a day trip out of state. We are also planning on making small changes to our bylaws. Some of them are greatly outdated and need to be modernized. We will be sharing more information about this in the future as we are required to hold an official vote at a meeting open to the members and give proper notice to do so. Don’t worry, we still won’t share your contact info and will not be selling advertising space along the old roadway!

Attached is a transcription of an old journal from 1760, written by David Holden during travel on the CPR. It is another glimpse of life in that era, and the conditions of the old road. I was made aware of this by John-Eric Nelson, history wizard. 

For those shopping for historical books, the online shop of the Vermont Historical Society offers a great selection of content. My only complaint is the lack of a search function. You may even find a familiar looking book about historical markers: https://vermont-historical-society-museum.square.site/product/historical-markers-on-the-crown-point-road/1084?cp=true&sa=false&sbp=false&q=false&category_id=8
The Annual Meeting we had last October included a presentation by an enthusiastic member of the CPRA by the name of John-Eric Nelson. Video was recorded of his presentation, along with our business meeting. I feel bad about not sharing these earlier. I could say I’ve been hibernating like a bear, but as I wrote above, I’ve been busy and still have a day job, so no rest for me! Here is a link to our Business meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4Kq6zOPzQA and a link to John-Eric’s presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPa5-FWUDog

I’ve rambled on long enough and given you some good reading and viewing content. I consider my duties served. You will be hearing more from me in the near future as we have news about our upcoming calendar of outings. Despite what the groundhog says, Spring will arrive on March 19th. Until then, make a snowman or have sugar on snow, or whatever you enjoy about Winter. 


Posted by Dale Christie on February 18, 2024

Friends of the Road Newsletter 2023-10-07

How is everyone’s love for history? Alive and strong I hope. With depressing news flooding the airways, I think history is getting more popular! We are in peak foliage season here in the northern hemisphere on planet Earth, for those receiving this in other parts of the solar system. The warm weather lately has been nice, but I’d trade it for seasonal temps and more daylight. That is the part that is tougher for me to adjust to. 

For those who don’t know about it, the archives of the CPRA is housed safely at Middlebury College. You can learn more about it here: https://www.crownpointroad.org/home/archives/. A short time ago, I visited it for my first time. It was like a goldmine and the available time just vanished. I hope to go back someday. Some of the glimpses I saw of the past included old program guides and membership forms. I’ve attached one of each to this email for your pleasure. The dues have gone up a bit, but much less than inflation!

As the year continues to flyby, we now have about a week to this year’s annual meeting. I know the word “meeting” is often a turnoff and a bore. But our business meetings go pretty fast and lead to good things. Feel free to show up fashionably late if you just want to see the guest speaker. This year we are having it on historic ground, in Charleston NH. This will offer a very historic and engaging environment. We will be meeting on October 15th, at the Fort at No. 4. You can read about it and how to get there on their website: https://www.fortat4.org/. The fort is open from 11-3:30pm. Normally there is an admission fee to visit the fort, but the CPRA will cover the costs to our attendees. You’re welcome to make a donation to the fort as it is certainly a good cause. When you arrive, mention that you’re there for the CPRA and they won’t charge you. Feel free to arrive early and enjoy the theme of the weekend: “Women of the Fort”. Their website explains: “Join us at Fort at No. 4 and explore some of the many roles women had in the 18th century on the frontier.”  Our Annual Meeting will commence at the Farnsworth House at 1PM with our traditional potluck dinner — bring your place setting and a dish to share – followed by our business meeting at 1:45 and concluding at 2:15pm with our featured presentation on Col. Nathan Whiting who was Garrison Commander at Fort at No. 4 in 1757 by noted period historian John-Eric Nelson. Guests welcome to attend any part of the schedule. For more info, call Barry at (802) 492-3573 or email bgriffithvt@gmail.com NOTE: our business meeting has been moved up to make sure there is enough time for our presenter as we will have to leave when the Fort closes at 3:30pm.

You may recall from my recent newsletter that there was a presentation to the DAR about Ann Story. Video of that presentation is being edited and soon will be available to watch on the local public access station (PEG TV) and we will also work on getting it available on YouTube. When we have more information about the viewing options, I’ll share them with you all. 

I do hope to see some of you at the upcoming meeting. John-Eric is an entertaining speaker and catching up with fellow “roadies” is always fun. Until we meet again, be well and keep history alive! 

Posted by Dale Christie on September 12, 2023

Friends of the Road Newsletter 2023-09-11

Hello Friends of the Road,

Are you ready for some football? It is almost time for a big game to start, so I may not be too long in this newsletter. I hope you are all doing well. The daylight is fading quickly, so enjoy this time as soon we’ll be turning the heat back on!

I have a series of announcements to share with you all. First the bad news. I know, I didn’t give you a choice if you want the bad news first or the good news. I like to end on a high note, so bad news first. Our upcoming Plymouth outing on September 30th is cancelled for this year. I know, that’s 2 cancellations this year. We will do our best to make it up to you and have a great year next year. We do still have the Annual Meeting coming up and that is going to have some bonus fun, so stay tuned. So once again, no hike this month. You now have the day available for other activities. 

I have THREE events to talk about though. On this Saturday (the 16th) at 10am, meet at the Hubbardton Battlefield Museum & Visitors Center. After a brief lecture about the historic battle fought there and the ultimate retreat by American forces, a tour will leave the Visitor Center and ascend the nearby hillside part way up the ridge. People should bring snacks/lunch, and good hiking shoes. It will take about 3 hours. Admission will be charged at the Hubbardton Battlefield and will allow entrance to visitor center and site. Leaders will be Travis Hart (State & Private Lands Biologist with the VT Dept. of Fish and Wildlife) and Jim Rowe (CPRA Historian). For more info, call Jim at (802) 434-7415. 

The second event is going to be held this week in Bridport. I know it is on a workday and short notice, but I hope some can attend. The Ann Story chapter of the DAR will be hosting a meeting in Shrewsbury Thursday the 14th. It will be a great opportunity to get familiar with some very important local history. At 11:30am there will be a business meeting, then a lunch, then a presentation. If you are going, you NEED to RSVP to julanne sharrow julanne@vermontel.net so they can be prepared. Please bring something to add to a salad provided. It’s at the Shrewsbury Meeting House 88 Lottery Rd, Shrewsbury, VT 05738.

The last, but not least event I have to share is coming up later this month. It will feature a presentation by our current CPRA President, Barry Griffith. I’ve attended some of his presentations before and he does a great job. This will be in Bridport, VT and he will offer some local history for the area, along with an overview about the Crown Point Road. Barry will be speaking at the Annual Meeting of the Bridport Historical Society on Sunday, September 24.  The meeting is at the Masonic/Community Hall – at the junction of the Middle Road and Crown Point Road (of course).  There will be a potluck at 1 PM followed by the presentation at 2 PM or so.  Please come if you can. 

And finally, I’d like to offer a fun tidbit for you to chew on. It is related to the Bridport event, and offers a really cool glimpse into the past. This was provided by our long time supporter and Historian of all Historians, Elaine Purdy. Attached is that image. 

That is all for now. A sporting event of pain and drama awaits me. 
Take care and keep studying history!

Posted by Dale Christie on April 27, 2023

Friends of the Road Newsletter 2023-04-26

Hello Friends of the Road,

I admit the past couple weeks have gotten past me and now we are rapidly approaching our first outing. The early warm weather got my mind on other things and I suppose life just got in the way of the CPRA hat I proudly wear. I hope by now most or all of you have received your annual mailing from us. It is packed full of info and we got our money’s worth for the postage on the envelopes. We were careful not to go over the 2oz weight or the treasurer would have to pay more for postage. We value your contributions and try not to squander it recklessly. And happy SPRING to you all! As far as I know, I’m not writing to anyone south of the equator, so I don’t have to wish anyone happy Autumn I think.

I’ve accumulated some topics for you, so I’ll begin with the main attraction. I won’t “bury the lead” as those in the media business might say. On May 7th, I will be involved with my 1st marker ceremony. The CPRA has been involved with a few in the past, but never while I’ve been involved. We will be re-dedicating a marker that has been moved from the village of Pittsford, to its new location a short distance away in Florence. CPRA president Barry put his easel and paintbrush to work and created a map for you to find your way to the event. I have attached it to this email. The actual ceremony will be about an hour or less and the final schedule is being put together now. We are hoping for good weather and a good turnout for this ceremony. Here are details of the event and contact info: Sunday, May 7th at 1 PM will be a rededication ceremony for CPRA Marker 45A in Pittsford. Originally placed by the DAR in 1911, the monument was recently relocated to Whipple Hollow Road near the Waters Tavern site. Jointly hosted by CPRA, DAR and Pittsford Historical Society. For more info, contact Barry at (802) 492-3573 or bgriffithvt@gmail.com

I’ve got a video about the CPR that you can save for a rainy day. It offers some good history and was done well. It is no Stephen Spielberg film, but certainly worth a watch. If you enjoy it, there is also a Part 2 available to watch. Thanks go to Jim Moore for sharing this video with me. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rIhoqFZvA0

To get back to the topic of ceremonies, I have 2 more to talk about. If you have a limit of one ceremony per year, please make sure it is ours in May! Ceremony #1: @Hubbardon Battlefield. Please note that they are dedicating the marker in conjunction with the Battle of Hubbardton Revolutionary War Encampment held yearly on the Anniversary Weekend and there is an admission fee for this event. Attached is a poster invitation. Ceremony #2: Burlington. I have no fancy poster for this one (yet), but offer the following info from Laura V. Trieschmann of the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development: “We are working with a number of entities for a July 4 re-dedication of the Ethan Allen Monument located in the Greenmount Cemetery in Burlington. It was dedicated on July 4, 1873, so this is a great anniversary. The partners include the Old North End neighborhood, Preservation Burlington, Vermont 250th Anniversary Commission, Ethan Allen Homestead, and Division for Historic Preservation (which owns it). Also, I would like to be sure the DAR is invited so it’s on everyone’s calendar. We are planning a small event versus the original one that included hundreds of people parading from city hall to the cemetery! “

I have accomplished my mission to spread the news. I did not ride a horse and go town to town spreading the word, but instead sent a message from my comfort of my home. But I hope you appreciate the effort nonetheless. I look forward to seeing many of you during our outings this year. 

Take care and remember your history!

Posted by Dale Christie on February 2, 2023

Friends of the Road Newsletter 2023-02-01

Hello Friends of the Road,
How are you all doing? Where I’m writing this now, I’m happy to report that there is finally snow outside. It doesn’t seem like Winter without it. It sure helps the local economy too, so that is good. I’ve been enjoying the football games, have a hot pellet stove behind me, and all is well with me.
The CPRA board has had two and a half meetings during the “off season” so far. You may be wondering why a half meeting was held. That was due to one of the snowstorms, and we had to meet virtually (online). That was one of the storms with widespread power outages, so only about half the board could attend the meeting. Despite that, we have been very productive lately and are getting excited about some of the outings we have planned. The important thing is not doing what we want to do most, but what you the members (and general public) want to do. We try to pay attention to what is popular and try to include more outings like that. For example, car tours have become more frequently done lately. Jim Rowe, who has led the majority of those, has done a great job managing the logistics for that type of outing, along with doing his homework on the locations visited. I will share more info about the upcoming schedule as it is finalized in February. We’ll try to release dates as soon as we can so you can mark your calendars and keep our dates open!
Because it is Winter, we have more time to be inside, and more time to watch videos, right? I’m not talking about the latest cat video online, or the latest episode of NCIS or Survivor. I’ve got lots of content for you that is much more informative and historical. For those that didn’t watch them already, here are recordings of the 2022 Annual Meeting: Featured Presenter: https://youtu.be/BFnaR-QX3g4 and the Business Meeting: https://youtu.be/QnpczoyNGsk . 
In 2009, to mark the 250th anniversary of the road building efforts by the British, a few hard core “roadies” did an end to end hike along the route of the 1759 CPR. The majority of the route was along modern roads and many wore period clothing. Thanks to a local public television network, and the talented producer Marita Johnson, we have copies of video from that trek. Link to 1st part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FOi6qFfGMM and 2nd part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n3HNc5UT6c
For those who don’t use Facebook, or may have missed our post, an image was shared showing early population for Vermont. It has been an extremely popular post and has had a very high amount of discussion. I have attached that image to this email. Enjoy! 
My last item to share with you today, is a link to a map. It was new to me a few weeks ago, and each time I look at it, I see something new and interesting. For example, the fort in Charlestown, NH that is currently known as Fort @ no.4, was previously known as Stephen’s Fort. Why #4? It was the 4th township on the Connecticut River above Massachusetts. Link to map: https://www.loc.gov/resource/g3800.ar106700/?r=0.51,0.162,0.174,0.115,0
Stay warm, keep digging into history, and we’ll talk again soon once details about the 2023 schedule has been set. 

Posted by Dale Christie on November 16, 2022

Friends of the Road Newsletter 2022-11-15

Hello Friends of the Road,

I’m writing on the eve of what is expected to be our first significant snowstorm for the season. For those who have moved south and have forgotten, YES, we do get snow this early and often even earlier. Daylight Savings Time has now ended here, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. This year sure has flown by. With the colder and darker weather, I’ve been spending more time looking at old maps and history of old roads, and not just the CPR. I hope you’re all doing well.

We recently had the Annual Meeting for the CPRA. It was attended by many of the die hard “roadies” and some locals as well. We try to move the location of the meeting around the State to help those that prefer not to travel far. The presenter provided a passionate outline of the history of the CPR along with some personal experiences as well. I recorded the speech with my digital camera. It does fairly good video, but is limited to 30 minutes at a time. I was so focused on the content I forgot to restart the video when one 30 minute block ended. Sorry John-Eric (and audience). Thankfully I did not miss much and unless you’re watching closely, you may not notice a gap. I have now produced final video files for the business portion of the meeting, along with the presentation section. You can find both videos here:
Featured Presenter: https://youtu.be/BFnaR-QX3g4
Business Meeting: https://youtu.be/QnpczoyNGsk

Very soon, the CPRA board will be meeting to start laying groundwork for the 2023 schedule of outings. We usually have no shortage of ideas, and can agree upon a good variety of outings. I expect this new schedule to be no different. If any of you want to make any suggestions, please let me know and I’ll pass it along to the board.

I have a piece of history to share with you all today. Some of you may have already seen this posted on our Facebook page. We do share content there often so please follow our page if you don’t already. The item I have to share is a list of field officers, captains and part of the lieutenants of the regiment of the Green Mountain Boys, along with a scan of a list written by Ethan Allen himself! He had fairly good handwriting I must say. Mine is not good, so I recognize his as good. Attached are two images.

You will likely hear less from me as the hibernation months go on, but have faith that the work continues by members of the board to continue to preserve the history of the CPRA and perhaps take more steps toward the someday release of a new Markers book! No promises though 🙂

Take care of yourself, and keep history alive!

Posted by Dale Christie on September 23, 2022

Friends of the Road Newsletter 2022-09-22

Hello Friends of the Road,
I do believe today closes out the Summer of 2022. The daylight is rapidly getting shorter, but there’s still plenty of weather to get out and enjoy yourself. I’ve been seeing tons of events on local calendars, so spin the wheel and pick something fun. This weekend I’ll be at a local festival talking history and spreading the word about the CPRA. 

Back in August I wrote about William French, who arguably was the first martyr of the American Revolution. Since then I came across a bit more info to share. Attached is a photo showing the grave in stereographic form. Also, here is a link about him and where to find his grave: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/19816383/william-french

CPRA board member Barbara Drufovka has been hard at work doing research for the upcoming event in Plymouth. Barry Griffith and I are planning on leading the way, rain or shine. We prefer shine of course. We hope to see some of you there. Below is the the write-up and attached is a flyer prepared by Barbara. Thanks for all your help Barbara! October 1: Our last outing of the year will be a 2-mile hike along the route of the CPR in Plymouth. We will visit CPRA Marker 34 and pay our respects to Vermont’s Unknown Soldier, who died here traveling home during the American Revolution. Then continue hiking eastward, inspecting the foundations of early settlers’ homes along the way. Meet at the Tyson Congregational Church off Route 100 (39 Dublin Road) at 10AM. Bring a lunch, wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather. For more info contact Barry Griffith (802) 492-3573 bgriffithvt@gmail.com

As we are all part of the avalanche of time travel, soon there will be our Annual meeting. I’ll send out more info later, but just keep that event in mind. Our guest speaker will be flooding your minds with Crown Point Road history. He will be going deep into details surrounding the 1759 road. If you need a refresher, or even if you think you know it all, I expect you’ll find his presentation enthusiastic and interesting. More info next time. 

I hope you’re all doing well. I have two boxes of perennial bulbs ready to plant, a pile of recently delivered topsoil and now I just need time to get my hands dirty. The rain has been good for a lot of things and the “leaf experts” say it could help with our foliage this year. We’ll see. Either way, I’ll be out “peeping”. Until we meet again…

Posted by Dale Christie on August 19, 2022

Friends of the Road Newsletter 2022-08-18

Hello Friends of the Road,

How is everyone doing today? How would you all like to talk some history? Well you’re going to have to first get through the propaganda first! I’ve got two outings to talk about. 

First of all, coming up quickly, we have an outing this weekend. It is in partnership with our friends at the Vermont State Historic Sites. They do a great job taking care of historic sites like Hubbardton Battlefield, and Mount Independence. Jim Rowe, master of car tours, will be leading the charge this coming weekend. Here is the official write-up:August 21: On Sunday the 24th, at 10am, meet at the Hubbardton Battlefield Visitors Center for a segment of the 8th annual driving tour. Jim Rowe will lead the tour and the day will end at the Otter Creek in Center Rutland. There will be several stops along the way for discussion. People should bring snacks/water. It will take about 3 hours. Admission will be charged at the Hubbardton Battlefield and will allow entrance to visitor center and site. For more info, call Jim at (802) 434-7415

The second outing I’d like to talk about is a NEWLY organized event that was NOT on the calendar of events for the year. For those who were considering the trip to Montreal this year, well, unfortunately you’ll have to wait until next year. We were not able to put it together this year because of a key venue not being open due to pandemic reasons. So members of the CPRA board scrambled to put together a backup plan. No passport needed for this one and it seems like a fun day. It involves a special private tour as well. Here is the official info on the event: Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022RAIN-OR-SHINE!
VT military history excursion to museums at Camp Johnson and Fort Ethan Allen 

1.   Drive mostly north to the nice, spacious park-and-ride lot that is located 0.1 mile west of U.S. route 7 at the north end of VT route 22A.  Carpool, to the extent that everyone wishes.  Depart, continuing northbound, at 10:45 a.m. 
2.   Every individual to show photo ID at the security gate, at the entrance to Camp Johnson (789 Vermont National Guard Road, Colchester VT).  At 11:30 a.m., park vehicles close to https://vt.public.ng.mil/Museum/
3    B.Y.O. bag lunch inside.  We will lunch together where the museum has tables.
4.   At 1:05 p.m., complete tour of the Vermont Military Museum and Library and drive along VT route 15 to the other end of the Fort Ethan Allen campus.
5.   From 1:15 till ca. 2:00 p.m., we’ll tour private museum at 11 Marcy Drive, Essex Junction VThttp://www.parkinsonbooks.com/fortethanallenmuseum/feampages/museumhome.html
6.  At 2:00, we will discuss with museum owner Wm. Parkinson, our possible interest in taking a 45-minute history tour of the Fort Ethan Allen campus.     

If you have any questions about this schedule, you can respond to this email and I’ll get you in touch with those who have the answers.

And to make good on my promise of some history, well, I have a fun story to share. It was given to me by someone a while back and I can’t recall who. So whoever that was, thank you! See the attached image for the story. 

That is all I have for today. I hope to see some of you soon. Try to enjoy the summer as it is sliding away quickly. Some trees are starting to change colors already. Sad but true!
